MMMusic is a meditation practise that immerses you into a world of music. Here you will use your whole being as you explore and redefine yourself.
In the process you will learn how to be your own best guide and teacher.
When you open the app, you'll enter into landscape of natural sounds where you can let go of the distractions of modern life. Inside you will find six dojos where you will train yourself on a different aspect of a harmonious life.
Your journey begins here in the dojo Dāna where you will work on cultivating generosity in yourself. Guided excercises will show you how to listen to yourself and move your body without judement.
In this process the emphasis will be keeping your mind and body supple and open. In this way, your ability to preceive and feel the world around you will expand.
As your reality expands, the real dimensions of your life become more clear. Opportunities and responsibilities previously unseen become visibile and the world invites you to participate. This brings us to the second step in the journey, the dojo of Śīla.
Here you will culivate the confidence you need so that you are be able to answer to life's invitation with love and generosity. During this practise, the guided excercises will push you to express yourself clearly and naturally.
In the dojo Kṣānti, you will work on cultivating your intuition and the ability to adapt to an unpredictable future.
The exercises will push you to let go of control by having enough courage to move your body without planning. At the same time, you will learn how to observe your mind without needing to react to the stream of thoughts and emotions coming to it.
In this dojo you will focus on cultivating joy into your practise so that it can feel like a natural and welcome part of your daily life.
During this practise you will learn to hold your body and mind lightly as you play with the music and the world around you.
In the dojo of Prajñā you will learn to cultivate a kind of efforless peace by using the power of your concious attention. Your mind has the power to decide what you pay attention to and what it means to you. This is your deepest freedom.
Guided excercises here will show you how to use your body, especially your breath, to strengthen and sharpen your ability to focus as you explore into the depths of your experience.
The dojo Dhyana is your personal training area. The excercises here are unguided and will be different everytime you go though them.
The objective here is develop your courage to explore deeply and to learn how to be own best guide and teacher.